Current eBook Series: Short Vowel Shorts

The Skinny on Short Vowel Shorts

By Tate Johnston on October 15, 2012 in News

Short Vowel Shorts is the only eBook series of its kind.

Short Vowel Shorts is a series of five phonics books for kids that are designed to make it fun for kids to learn how to read. What makes them unique? Each book only has one single short vowel sound, so kids are only decoding one vowel sound for the whole story, rather than deciphering a mix of multiple vowel sounds. They are intended to be an engaging compliment to word family or phonics worksheets and other reading activities. They don’t contain any sight words, so children who know all the alphabet sounds but haven’t learned sight words yet can read them by themselves (with a little encouragement from their parent or teacher, whomever is teaching reading).


Nunc tincidunt nibh non justo suscipit scelerisque. Curabitur pellentesque pretium massa in blan dit. Maecenas euismod lacinia neque. Praesent pellen tesque tristique tortor eu vulputate. Aenean viverra justo fermentum sapin. Praesent pellen tesque tristique tortor.

“Curabitur pellen esque pret ium massa in blan dit trist ique tortor eu vulp utate tortor eu trist ique pellen esque pretium massa in. Nunc tinci dunt nibh non justo suscipit scelerisque tinci justo trist dunt.”

Curabitur pellentesque pretium massa in blan dit. Maecenas euismod lacinia neque. Praesent pellen tesque tristique tortor eu vulputate. Aenean viverra justo fermentum sapin. Proin laoreet iaculis placerat. Pellen tesque dictum elemen tum con sectetur euismod lacinia.


[Above images by D. Sharon Pruitt in Creative Commons]

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